
What is included cost of dry cleaners

          Dry cleaners costs are included? Open a dry cleaners cost actually we need to plan ahead of schedule, because there is no dry cleaners, in different places, need to cost and impact on our late are relatively large. Open a small dry cleaners need cost is less.

        Open a dry cleaner with dry cleaning machine is in fact the cost of rent, dry cleaners, etc. In the first-tier cities need to spend much more than two or three line city. So open a large dry cleaners to choose in the first-tier cities, although the cost will be high, but dry cleaner's profit is also good.

        Medium dry cleaners to open in general secondary cities is appropriate. Open a dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment cost is accounted for a big proportion. Because open a dry cleaners equipment are in need and we open a dry cleaners is corresponding to the scale. If you want to save money, need to find a good brand dry cleaning. Join ENEJEAN such brand dry cleaning, dry cleaners cost will reduce a lot, low costs only RMB 50000 to set up shop, if the cost of split home dry cleaners are interested in, welcome to click our online customer service. 

