
High quality washing machinery equipment is the primary factor in the dry cleaner's success?

         We want to buy better quality industrial washing machine prices and equipment, should first consider the washing effect is good or bad, washing machinery and equipment on the market at present is mainly divided into oil washing machinery equipment and tetrachloroethylene washing machinery and equipment, oil washing machinery and equipment are relatively more environmental protection, the price is relatively cheap is the first choice for small and medium-sized shops, but tetrachloroethylene washing machinery and equipment on the washing effect is higher than that of oil washing machinery and equipment, in general large dry cleaners will choose tetrachloroethylene washing machinery and equipment. For investors, don't be on the market are ling lang see everywhere of washing machinery and equipment, value slick washing machinery and equipment, must according to the performance of washing machinery and equipment, and then in the choose and buy.

         Second, when buying washing machinery and equipment, do not covet is cheap, because some investors too covet is cheap, so buy cheap, quality is very poor washing machinery equipment, although at that time, save a lot of cost, but for future business, was buried the huge hidden trouble. As time passes down lower the credibility of its own shops, lead to shut down. Therefore, when buying equipment, general quality about washing machinery and equipment, also won't have too much of a discrepancy on the price. Such as: oil washing machinery equipment prices between 20000-40000 RMB, tetrachloroethylene washing machinery equipment is between 40000-70000 RMB.

         In addition, buy washing machinery equipment generally recommend you choose a big brand, so at least for equipment has more on the quality of security.

         A successful dry cleaner, the washing quality based on high technology and high quality washing machinery and equipment, on the basis of having good cleaning quality, coupled with its own unique mode of operation, in order to make your dry cleaner in the market competition!

