
Dry cleaners equipment life

         Although dry cleaning technology, dry cleaners equipment maintenance factors also affect the service life of the dry cleaning equipment, but the real decision dry cleaners is, dry cleaners, the internal cause the service life of equipment internal structure.

         The first is perc dry cleaning machine material selection. ENEJEAN dry cleaner franchising brands use stainless steel as a dry cleaners equipment within the cylinder, ensure the dry cleaning equipment in good mechanical washing performance;To trough steel instead of the normal three angles, greatly improve the dry cleaning equipment to take off the oil, and achieve high washing of oil recovery, greatly enhance environmental protection on the basis of dry cleaners equipment to ensure that the overall high stability performance of dry cleaning equipment.

         Second, unblocked directly affects the system fluid for dry cleaners equipment parts wear degree. Ensure the recirculation system unimpeded, the biggest worry about dry cleaners equipment stable performance.     

         Third, the merits of the dry cleaning equipment frequency converter directly affects the length of the dry cleaning equipment using life. Guangzhou ENEJEAN join chain using dry cleaners, guarantee the high stability of the whole machine "of the central nervous and deoiling rate, makes the environmental performance and overall transmission performance have been an unprecedented increase, and improve the service life of the dry cleaning equipment and reducing the costs of dry cleaners.

         In short, the length of the dry cleaning equipment life mainly whether dry cleaners equipment internal structure perfect, etc. Guangzhou ENEJEAN franchising brands on strictly on dry cleaning equipment material selection, strictly follow the ISO9001 quality management system, our company do washing equipment production for 13 years, experienced, mature technology, modern production, assembly line;Maximize improve Shanghai pick kang dry cleaners equipment life, reduce dry cleaners dry cleaners cost of franchisees, directly affect the dry cleaner to dry cleaners and profit improvement.

