
How much do you need to open a dry cleaners to buy a washing equipment

   In recent years, the dry cleaners laundry are basically rely on washing equipment, set up shop first and configuration of equipment. Equipment but open a dry cleaners need to spend how many money? Washing equipment which good? Believe that a lot of people will be curious about this aspect of the problem, let's together with industry experts to learn about this aspect.
What are the washing equipment? This respect you will definitely consider dry washer,
vertical clothes dryer, disinfection cabinet, the steam engine, ironing machine, electric iron these common equipment. Auxiliary equipment, as well as clothes conveyor belt and packing machine, etc.

        Actually a dry cleaner need equipment is mainly in the judgement according to the scale of operation, such as small dry-cleaning equipment configuration is very simple, mainly for dry cleaning. Relatively large size, however, may be shoes care and maintenance of luxury goods, need to purchase professional equipment.

        So how much does it cost to open a dry cleaners need equipment? Terms, this is to look at the equipment requirements. Market range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dry cleaning equipment in the budget, there are still some dry cleaners is direct and manufacturers to discuss custom equipment machine, this is in order to further meet the demand of laundry.

        Now, however, the dry cleaner is there are a lot of equipment brand, then washing equipment which good? You can consider ENEJEAN washing equipment. Because the current market, ENEJEAN dry cleaning technology and functional design aspects of the brand is relatively mature, and this is more conducive to the dry cleaners to investing. 

