
Laundry equipment performance and types

It is open laundry equipment, 2 it is fully enclosed laundry equipment. Their main difference is that different drying recovery system.
         Refrigeration type laundry equipment is also known as fully enclosed laundry equipment. After washing, take off the liquid, residual solvents on the drying clothes recycling is done through a condenser. Using the cooling cycle effect of refrigeration unit solvent residue in clothing was quickly heating, evaporation, condensation, liquefied recycling. Due to refrigeration and cooling temperature is lower than the temperature of the water cooled, thus drying cycle of recycling can be greatly shortened, solvent recovery, high solvent consumption at about 1%, so at the end of the drying, residues of tetrachloroethylene steam within washing drum will rarely, some refrigeration type washing equipment, in order to further eliminate the odor when take the clothes, best can in the export of drying air duct machine is equipped with adsorber, so used to the expulsion of gas adsorption containing tetrachloroethylene, in order to achieve the requirements of environmental protection.

Fifth generation fully enclosed laundry equipment, activated carbon filter, secondary recovery and distillation box automatic cleaning device. Three or four generations enclosed laundry equipment and clothing in the cylinder body after cooling to deal with the smell of gas concentration of tetrachloroethylene and lowest in 1500-2000 PPM, and the five dynasties machine through carbon adsorption, adsorption system can be simplified in the gas concentration of tetrachloroethylene fell to 300 parts per million, at this time to open the door to take clothes, tetrachloroethylene can be discharged to a minimum, reached the international standard of residual pollution 300 PPM or less, in the simplified environment around 25 PPM or less. Some of the fifth generation fully enclosed laundry equipment also have refund adsorption function, after the adsorption amount tetrachloroethylene, internal activated carbon tends to saturation, at this point you can start back adsorption system, will be activated carbon regeneration, and condense into liquid recovery in gaseous solvent

