
Dry cleaning machine of choose and buy should be how to do?

         As the pinnacle of dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment(dry cleans machines), directly affect the operation and development of dry cleaners, when the choose and buy of dry cleaners so investors have to be very careful, but for many investors, such as dry cleaners to choose relatively professional preparation is not an easy thing. What, then, should the choose and buy of dry cleaners?

         First, to see materials. Dry cleaners to run every day will come into contact with the corrosive dry cleaner, if material use undeserved, will directly affect the service life of the dry cleaners and the failure rate, in general, choose stainless steel material of dry cleaners are more.

         Second, see the performance. Nowadays the rapid development of the dry cleaning industry, for the development of dry cleaners are also constantly, the performance of the dry washer is also in constant improvement and innovation, of course, generally speaking, the performance of the dry washer more advanced more complete, certainly the price is higher also. Dry cleaners, for example, has an automatic, semi-automatic, fully enclosed and semi-enclosed and so on, more oil dry cleaners and tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners, investors need to know in detail, according to their own shop needs to choose and buy.

         Dry cleaners to choose what should be done?
         Third, the XiJingDu. For consumers, the degree of wash clothes the most important, then, for the operator, we must pay attention to this, in the dry cleaners, filters are the important factors that affect XiJingDu, dry cleaners filter portion size and density of filter and the number of different, generally speaking the more filter, filtering surface is bigger, the better. Therefore, investors can also take more attention in this respect.
         Related: ENEJEAN dry cleaners
         Fourth, training and after-sales. The operation of the dry washer with is not too difficult, but to really master still need to have professional guidance and training, investors when the choose and buy dry cleaners, you need to have detailed knowledge of dry cleaners training and after-sale, so as to ensure safely easy open a shop in the future.

         Above is about dry cleaners of choose and buy some, if you want to know more information or are interested in joining brand dry cleaning, can contact online customer service or browse other articles on this site. 

