
Choose the brand dry cleaning machine more than good

         Market investigation, in brand dry cleaning machine often find many dry cleaners for selecting dry cleaners brand of energy saving for very cheap but not only on joining the dry cleaner as empty decoration.

         After some small brand dry cleaners boot because energy consumption is too big, the owner cannot afford the cost so simply to washed to pretend to be dry-cleaned, or as much as possible, not distilled or reduce the number of distilling, such results led to the laundry to wash not clean clothes dry cleaning not only the price also will not come up, resulting in high customer complaints even join survival dry cleaners, there is a problem, the dry cleaners to mention what is the profit margin and market competitiveness.

         Take a ENEJEAN closed brand of tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners, the function complete with all brand dry cleaners to wash a suit of the direct costs of hydropower oil between 0. 6 to 0. 8 yuan, simple configuration and ordinary dry cleaning machine wash a suit of the direct costs of the water and electricity and oil between 1. 5 to 2. 8 yuan, some even more than 3 yuan.

         Why is also fully enclosed brand dry cleaners energy consumption difference is so big? Crack brand dry cleaners of energy consumption of the reason this is not only the needs of society, is also the needs of the development of dry cleaning industry is vital interests must be taken into account by the investors. Dry cleaners investors should hold a more scientific and objective selection really energy efficient and environmentally friendly brand dry cleaners. 

