
Dry cleaners in the market now is in the use of washing machines

         Dry cleaners in the market now is in the use of washing machines, but do you know the investment open a shop, what are dry cleaners cleaning equipment (commercial dry cleaning equipment)? We should be how to choose and buy washing equipment products? Believe that a lot of people will be curious about this aspect of the problem, let's together with industry experts to learn about this aspect.

         Dry cleaners store the basic operation process including disinfection, dry cleaning, drying, ironing, these are our laundry often requires that the basic steps. But these processes, all need washing equipment support or assistance.

         What are the washing equipment
         So if you open a shop, dry cleaners washing machines have? From the sterilizer, dry washer and dryer to ironing table are basically cannot lack. In addition, in order to better washing effect, it is recommended that the operator can buy clothes conveyor belt, the steam engine and packing machine, etc. , these will bring us better profit of dry cleaners.

         However, everyone in the laundry equipment aspect of choose and buy, is more inclined to brand products. Then washing equipment which good? On this subject to recommend ENEJEAN brand dry cleaning. For relative to the unfamiliar brand, large vendors not only mature technology, and the quality is also the more secured, so that we can further protect the interests of investment is not affected by the loss. 

