
What about oil dry cleaners use should pay attention to?

hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines is one of the essential to the dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment, price is quite expensive, so for daily use should pay attention to many aspects.The following is a simple introduction for you:
         First: beware of dry cleaner electricity safety, for the safety of the indoor power line and equipment to do the strict inspection.
         Second, should ask professional electrician to indoor electrical safety checks, it is best to everyday appliances and separated from the working area of dry cleaning equipment, such as water dispenser, refrigerator and so on electric appliance.Because these practices can avoid the happening of the fire.
         Third: make sure the ventilation effect is good inside the dry cleaners, dry cleaning equipment using need crude oil, will produce volatile gas, guarantee the reason ventilation is to prevent the volatile gas concentration is not too high.Then there is the ventilation system of oil dry cleaners to boot correctly, do not bother to emissions indoors, and should go to outdoors.
         Fourth: dry cleaners are prohibited in a flame, to ban smoking,

Fifth: dry cleaners to do well in safety inspection to ensure that the dry cleaning equipment join points without leakage, as well as to ensure the safety of the dry cleaning equipment, operation process to ensure that no solvent.
         Sixth: if there are problems need to repair equipment, the premise is to ensure that the indoor air circulation and prevent leakage solvent, some dry cleaning equipment spare parts can be on the outside and as far as possible on the outside maintenance.
         Seven: for dry cleaning equipment residue needs to be carried out in accordance with the standard cleaning.
         Eight: the dryer after the stop to get the clothes in time, do not stop, because it can avoid to produce electrostatic, produce a fire.Take out to do in ventilated place ventilation.
         9: try to not stay after dry cleaners is closed in the evening, do a good job security.If there is a potential safety hazard, oneself can not promise to solve, please professional fire department for processing.

