
Dry cleaners equipment maintenance little common sense

   hydrocarbon dry cleaning machine  for a long period of time to ensure the quality, can complete the efficient washing, natural need to make sure that there are problems timely processing, but at the time of maintenance need to pay attention to some common sense, avoid to cause more trouble.

         Dry cleaners equipment belonging to the mechanical equipment, so in the use we must to the dry cleaner screws and bearing parts of the equipment regular maintenance and maintenance, once found a sound or abnormal operation, should immediately stop the work for inspection, not bearing load operation.Operation dry cleaners equipment according to the instruction manual for normal operation, the computer version of the program are automatic control, so do not set the dry cleaner when operating equipment computer program on the board, so as not to cause confusion.

         Dry cleaning equipment in the off-season if long time do not we should conduct a machine maintenance and maintenance, at the time of the peak season for normal use.

         Dry cleaning equipment, of course, the specific maintenance analysis has been made here, can according to provide you with the maintenance method, combined with the content of the above correct operation, if there is any doubt better not do STH without authorization operation, especially the problem of unknown fault.

