
Dry cleaning process of some common faults and approach

Accident: why join after cleaning clothes to the laundry, buttons are increasingly fragmentation problem: a match standard button jacket after conventional dry cleaning twice, a few button appear fracture. Dry cleaning is according to the instructions in the maintenance TAB.
         Reason: with plastic buttons cannot afford conventional dry cleaning cycle in the process of repeated impact force between the rotor cage wall dry cleaning principle
         Responsibility: from the signature of the maintenance do not see any warning on the label, so the responsibility borne by the manufacturer, if a drag on the maintenance TAB horizontal dry cleaning personnel shall bear the responsibility.
The accident 2: black bead decorations are melted
         Question: when a material for flash acetate purple clothes in the label instructions after four pce dry cleaning, black bead decorations become soft, melting, leaving only ugly black stain, the clothes have such stains.
         Reason: the decorations cannot bear perc dry cleaning machine washing, as long as it will dissolve into tetrachloroethylene 2 minutes. Maintenance of the label that is marked by guess, is not easy to verify its accuracy.
Responsibility: shall be borne by the manufacturer, cannot return.

The accident three: the issue of metal ornaments
         Question: a piece of fabric RaoBoZi a circle metal decorations in shrink, the phenomenon of wrinkling after dry cleaning.
         Reason: if the decoration is made up of different fibers, the most important thing is to consider each layer shrinkage, so that the dry cleaning after decoration is still very smooth, bright and clean.
         Responsibility: shall be borne by the clothing manufacturers, because he is obviously not the strict operation specifications and quality standards.
         Fixed: sometimes can correct this error. Usually soaked with water wrinkling, reoccupy steam ironing, each fiber layer pressure must be uniform, so that can ensure smooth after wetted.

The accident four: coated collar cracked
         Question: is a jacket collar with polyurethane coating. After the dry cleaning, most of the collar stand the dry cleaning, coating along the collar folds appeared coating cracking and spalling phenomena.
         Answer: with a coating of fibers in the normal wear when bending, folding and bending in a bad place can appear small crack, before washing, usually not easy to be seen, but the cleaning solvent penetration, the coating is peeling off from the fiber, responsibility: after a period of normal wear, according to the maintenance of the label that is can withstand the dry cleaning clothes, so responsible for manufacturers


Understand the laundry laundry have see the strength of guangzhou

Guangzhou laundry chain joining chain, joining chain laundry quickly promote healthy dry cleaning strong launch: industrial washing machine, washing machine, laundry equipment, elution dual-use machine, washing, dryers, dryer, ironing machine, ironing machine, ironing machine, dry cleaning, dry cleaners, dry cleaning equipment, dry cleaners, dry cleaning chain, chain joining joining, dry cleaners, dry cleaners dry cleaning, laundry, laundry, laundry, laundry chain joined, laundry, laundry chain joined, washing machine, washing equipment, industrial washing machine, washing machine, dewatering machine, dryer, clothes conveyor line, ironing, like a machine, steam electric generator clothing packaging machine, scouring, scouring machine, ironing machine, finishing equipment and post-processing equipment, etc.
         Laundry is to join a new project, development prospect is considerable, because the dry cleaning industry is sunny industry of service industry, the wide prospect of market, it has the following advantages:

First: it is closely related to the life of the people, small market risk;The second: long-term and stable investment projects;
         Third: unit operation cost is low and high yield;
         Fourth: personnel less investment, easy to operation and management;
         Fifth: small and medium-sized investment projects, more suitable for personal investment.In the past, people to the requirement of dry cleaning is simple, as long as it is "cheap, clean" is ok, now, to go further by calling for a "green, healthy, clean, professional, fast and health".
         After market analysis, can provide consumers with healthy laundry, laundry and economical health dry cleaners - guangzhou franchising.Guangzhou laundry franchising is one of the famous brand of inside the dry cleaning industry, joining operational experience in the industry has a lot of dry cleaners.At the same time, guangzhou joining chain laundry dry cleaners equipment with independent intellectual property rights, realize the healthy environmental protection laundry;At the same time, strong dry cleaning technical training as a powerful backing to napa stores, so the joining trader to ENEJEAN dry cleaners instead of trust.Guangzhou include laundry franchising headquarters, "front desk cashier", "washing", "clothing ironing", "leather care", "clothing darning", "washing accident treatment" dry cleaning techniques such as training, these training is to let her have the confidence and ability to guangzhou laundry to do bigger and stronger.


Give you a few big standard brand dry cleaners

ENEJEAN dry cleaners how joining chain brand dry cleaners to open standard whatever you several big industry must adapt to the development trend at that time, each industry has growth, huge to the industry the demise of the stage, there will be new things to cover, subversion to replace;Dry cleaners to join in the rise of the industry, he has a clear development prospects, as an investor, small investment returns, is already a lot of people join industry preferred;Small dry cleaners to join in project investment, cash flow is not big, a lot of people can participate, entrepreneurial experience fun, but also can bring good returns.For dry cleaners to join is very simple, not simple is the choose and buy of the dry cleaners.The choose and buy of dry cleaners is a skill to live, here introduce you to the choose and buy of dry cleaners.
         One of the choose and buy of dry cleaners standard: pay attention to the quality of products.
Do not need too much equipment dry cleaners and horizontal axis washing machine, need only a few dry cleaners.Dry cleaners do not need to hire too many staff, one or two people can maintain normal operation, it is because of this investment will be so few dry cleaners.It was also because of this, only highlights the importance of dry cleaners.The function of the dry washer must be complete, the very few employees because the dry cleaners.If the purchase of dry cleaners function is not complete, so we must increase the number of employees to ensure the normal operation of the dry cleaners.But it will no doubt increase the cost.
         The choose and buy of dry cleaners standard # 2: pay attention to the quality of persistence.
         There is only one value for dry cleaners, it washing clothes.Especially in the dry cleaners dry cleaners, it need to work for a long period of time, this is because the dry cleaner business is very good, so dry cleaners had to wash the clothes.The use of long time can cause certain influence to the dry cleaners, so we must guarantee the quality of the dry cleaners.Only the good quality of dry cleaners have better durability, durability good dry cleaners can guarantee used long without damage.


Dry cleaners equipment The dry

  ENEJEAN fully automatic dryers .
         Is dry cleaning is completed to remove most of the clothes is the process of solvent, general dry cleaning equipment when the design will choose in dry speed 400 r/min to 800 r/min, roller diameter, the greater the speed is lower, the higher the roller diameter, the less speed.

         Usually dry time for normal fabric: 3 minutes;Wool fabric: 2 minutes;Cashmere and silk fabric: 1 minute or less.
         In washing process, the choice of dry time fabric is thicker, the higher the strength, dry time is longer, conversely should dump on a short time, because the clothes wrinkle will increase with the increase of the dry time. At the same time, the humidity in the solvent, the greater the dry time should be shorter, the moisture content of the strong dry clothes with wrinkles can lead to trouble


High-speed dryer dry cleaning franchise store available

High-speed industrial clothes dryer product advantages:
The unique special super constant temperature heater temperature consistent, up and down is much better than the common heater temperature;
Special 270 - degree heat air duct, shorten drying time;
Special large wind turbines, high density small aperture mesh, the same hot air so that saves about 50% than conventional;
Large special specifications plush filters, to reduce the wind resistance;
Fully enclosed design, further reduce the heat loss, shorten drying time;
Positive central clearing wool cloth with soft nap is convenient, pulled them clean, design more human.


A dry cleaner joining machine equipment prices

Join in dry cleaners, many operators are concerned about the problem of dry cleaning machine equipment price really dry cleaning equipment and coin op laundry which is good in the market? Let is please give us detailed introduce the expert inside course of study on this aspect.
Dry cleaners to join business advantage is beyond doubt, because the dry cleaning service requirements range is very wide, and in terms of quality of life, not for dry cleaning.Nearly two years, the upgrading of dry cleaning service content, and further meet the needs of modern consumers in laundry health.
         Now, however, the laundry is mostly rely on dry cleaning equipment, so if the investment, dry cleaning machines and how much will it cost? Range from tens to hundreds of thousands of this aspect, because of different procurement standards, the market price is also different.And, the choice of the equipment manufacturer differences will affect the overall budget cost.

How much is a set of dry cleaning equipment
In terms of dry cleaning equipment, is clearly branded products is more welcomed by the market.Then dry cleaning equipment which is good? Recommend choose ENEJEAN dry cleaning brand, because ENEJEAN dry cleaning technology at home and have a great influence, and in relatively guaranteed product after-sales service, so that we can avoid some unnecessary loss.
         Also, everyone in the dry cleaning equipment for some do not understand, must not to believe or choose and buy, can advice consulting related expert advice, so that we can further protect the interests of their own against losses.
         A dry cleaner to join in machinery and equipment and how much will it cost? Hope that through analysis, we can have more knowledge and understanding on this subject.If you want to further understanding of the dry cleaning equipment procurement information, can contact website online customer service for consultation, or browse other articles on this site.


Dry cleaners equipment maintenance little common sense

   hydrocarbon dry cleaning machine  for a long period of time to ensure the quality, can complete the efficient washing, natural need to make sure that there are problems timely processing, but at the time of maintenance need to pay attention to some common sense, avoid to cause more trouble.

         Dry cleaners equipment belonging to the mechanical equipment, so in the use we must to the dry cleaner screws and bearing parts of the equipment regular maintenance and maintenance, once found a sound or abnormal operation, should immediately stop the work for inspection, not bearing load operation.Operation dry cleaners equipment according to the instruction manual for normal operation, the computer version of the program are automatic control, so do not set the dry cleaner when operating equipment computer program on the board, so as not to cause confusion.

         Dry cleaning equipment in the off-season if long time do not we should conduct a machine maintenance and maintenance, at the time of the peak season for normal use.

         Dry cleaning equipment, of course, the specific maintenance analysis has been made here, can according to provide you with the maintenance method, combined with the content of the above correct operation, if there is any doubt better not do STH without authorization operation, especially the problem of unknown fault.


In the campus open dry cleaning franchise store what are the advantages?

In the campus open dry cleaning franchise store what are the advantages? Do Chinese people pay attention to timing, location, and, open dry cleaning franchise store, good dry cleaning franchise store location for investors in the late operation and save a lot of trouble. Dry cleaning industry is a very flexible, also do not have any special requirements on site, in the city, as long as there is plenty of foot traffic, basically can open a shop, say to the people more concentrated place, the campus. ENEJEAN laundry washing machine group of advisers also say that dry cleaning franchise store has a good advantage in the campus.

         First, open dry cleaning franchise store on campus has a large market demand, set up shop in the campus, in the face of market main body is a student, student market potential is to be reckoned, as we all know, there are more and more one-child, basically from spoiled children clothes, shoes are parents run, after entering the university, because from the parents asylum, many students in life can not good self-care, coupled with the parents to the cost of living is also more and more, more and more students choose wash clothes to dry cleaning franchise store, it also means that in the school, the laundry demand is huge.

Second, the campus open dry cleaning franchise store rent is low. In general, the campus laundry scale is small, can be their own independent business, do not hire employees, spending less on store decoration, the entire cost of investment and investment risk is reduced.

         Third, set up shop on campus competition. Dry cleaning requirements according to the survey, although the campus is very big, but in the school open dry cleaning franchise store market competition is relatively low, the reason is that the campus dry cleaning franchise store just in its infancy, in the face of consumer groups are students, and campus request is not high, management will be more relaxed. In the campus open dry cleaning franchise store what are the advantages? Dry cleaning franchisees to join which good?

         Overall, consumer demand is big, open dry cleaning napa stores on campus competition pressure is small, is a very ideal dry-clean franchisees to investment, therefore, interested in investment in dry cleaning industry entrepreneurs, can do dry cleaning franchise store on campus, believe after investors of careful management, will be able to get a lot of good performance, ENEJEAN washing a lot of joining agent on campus open dry cleaning franchise store a success


Laundry equipment and how much will it cost?

At present a lot of laundry investors are worried about the laundry equipment procurement issues, today small make up to bring about laundry equipment is the price, hope can help your investment.
         Laundry equipment, affirmation is to give priority to some formal manufacturers machines, on the one hand is the product technology mature, and guaranteed the product quality.General equipment, you can purchase of a complete set of, such as dry cleaners, dryers, disinfection cabinet, the steam engine, the package will be preferential price, it can also reduce the cost of some laundry.

However, laundry equipment is the price? This depends on your equipment needs.From small to large dry cleaner and cleaner devices, between tens to hundreds of thousands of machines, mainly to see the store business.
         Also, buy equipment, be sure to do not believe that strange vendor product recommendations.Industry experts suggest that we meet the new products, the first is to look at the function, and then after consulting relevant professional advice in buying, this is also to further safeguard the interests of our investment is not affected by the loss.
         In addition, washing equipment after-sales problem is each operator to purchase machines should pay attention to the problem.Industry experts point out that, the product generally use cycle for more than two years, so in the middle of the after-sales problem, we must consult with manufacturer in ahead of schedule, and this is where our security interests against losses.


Automatic dry cleaners dry cleaning machinery your wise choice

New dry cleaners tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners - national initiative by the national recommend a group of 19 / replace imported products:
Model: YNJ - 10, YNJ - 15, YNJ - 25
Dry cleaners dry cleaners features:
1 YNJ series automatic dry cleaners cleaning work equipment, used for drying all kinds of fabric after washing dehydration.
2 it is automatic control, drying time, selected automatically arranges, drying, automatic stop and then a model.
3 have larger feeding door, with large glass, toughened glass at any time to view the clothes to dry.
The case of this equipment is 4 ark is vertical, compact structure, and can also be installed in the narrow place.
Dry cleaners parameters:
Project name unit YNJ YNJ - 10-15 YNJ - 25
The rated capacity of 10 15 to 25 kg
Tank 700 mm 700 x570 780 x650 x830
Power supply v, p, 220 hz, single, 50, 380, 3, 50, 380, 3, 50
The main motor power 0.4 0.55 0.75 kw
The fan power 0.25 0.37 0.75 kw
The tank 48 45 RPM speed 32
Steam pressure 0.5 mpa to 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6
Steam pipe size mm 3/4 "3/4" dn25
Water pipe size mm dn15 dn15 dn25
Around kw per car consumption, h 15-18-20 to 25 to 30
The heater power 9 kg 14.4 to 24
Around 5.5 kw per car consumption September 15
Air outlet size mm 170 x40 170 x170 260 x240
Overall dimensions 945 mm 945 x825x1290 x870x1450 x1040x1700 945
The weight kg, 265, 310, 550


What about oil dry cleaners use should pay attention to?

hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines is one of the essential to the dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment, price is quite expensive, so for daily use should pay attention to many aspects.The following is a simple introduction for you:
         First: beware of dry cleaner electricity safety, for the safety of the indoor power line and equipment to do the strict inspection.
         Second, should ask professional electrician to indoor electrical safety checks, it is best to everyday appliances and separated from the working area of dry cleaning equipment, such as water dispenser, refrigerator and so on electric appliance.Because these practices can avoid the happening of the fire.
         Third: make sure the ventilation effect is good inside the dry cleaners, dry cleaning equipment using need crude oil, will produce volatile gas, guarantee the reason ventilation is to prevent the volatile gas concentration is not too high.Then there is the ventilation system of oil dry cleaners to boot correctly, do not bother to emissions indoors, and should go to outdoors.
         Fourth: dry cleaners are prohibited in a flame, to ban smoking,

Fifth: dry cleaners to do well in safety inspection to ensure that the dry cleaning equipment join points without leakage, as well as to ensure the safety of the dry cleaning equipment, operation process to ensure that no solvent.
         Sixth: if there are problems need to repair equipment, the premise is to ensure that the indoor air circulation and prevent leakage solvent, some dry cleaning equipment spare parts can be on the outside and as far as possible on the outside maintenance.
         Seven: for dry cleaning equipment residue needs to be carried out in accordance with the standard cleaning.
         Eight: the dryer after the stop to get the clothes in time, do not stop, because it can avoid to produce electrostatic, produce a fire.Take out to do in ventilated place ventilation.
         9: try to not stay after dry cleaners is closed in the evening, do a good job security.If there is a potential safety hazard, oneself can not promise to solve, please professional fire department for processing.


Fully enclosed tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners instruction

Dry cleaners solution is the use of dry cleaning solvent for washing, filtering, take off the liquid and drying solvent recovery and purification of washing, washing machinery realize recycling work.According to the different of detergent, dry cleaners mainly can be divided into two major categories of tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners and oil dry cleaners.The tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners according to the different methods of drying heating cooling, can be divided into water recycling (i.e., open dry cleaners) and refrigeration recycling (enclosed dry cleaners) two;According to the drying solvent recovery and regeneration in heating mode, can be divided into electric heating and steam heating type;According to the main purposes of the washing, the fabric can be divided into dry cleaners and garment fabric and dry cleaners;According to the dry cleaning degree of continuity in each working procedure, can be divided into semi-automatic dry cleaners and fully automatic dry cleaners.
         Safety matters
         1.1 safe use of the environment
         The company research and development of the dry cleaners, the use of tetrachloroethylene (C 2 cl4) as a detergent, is mainly used for washing all kinds of fur, fur, or fabric.We recommend the use of  PERKLONE DX PLUS tetrachloroethylene as detergent.
         Set machine working environment temperature range is + 5 ℃ (41 ℉ +) to + 40 ℃ (104 ℉) +, steam pressure of 0.4 ~ 0.5 MPa, 0.5 ~ 0.7 MPa compressed air pressure, water pressure, 0.15 to 0.25 MPa.
         When the environment temperature below 5 ℃, freezing equipment caused by the internal condensing system!!!!!!!!!!!
         1.2 summary of safety
         1.2.1 closed protective
         The manufacture, production of dry cleaners, fully in accordance with international safety standards for the moving parts of special mentioned in closed requirements, in order to protect the operator from injury.
         1.2.2 security installation
         The installation of the machine must comply with the provisions of chapter iii of this manual.Machine installation location, must be strictly in accordance with the requirements and local regulations of the manual.If you do not comply with the rules and installation steps program to do it, apply this company and affiliated branches for all the resulting consequences does not undertake any responsibility.


How big is the laundry room profits

  How big is the laundry profit?Done and never done investing friends all know that part of the profit is revenue minus investment spending, now many investment entrepreneurs do not care how many, they only focus on how many can gain profit, so now the development of laundry profits have how old? ENEJEAN international laundry below small make up will give you do the math.
         Commercial washer and dryer main input, rent and daily management of expenditures.Laundry revenue mainly are daily washing of harvest and other bonus has nothing to do with the washing.
         Laundry shop rent depends on investors choose the location, size.In a boom in the transportation hub of the first-tier cities, a 15 square meters or so small shops rent at around $40000, but in the urban or rural shops rent is less than ten thousand yuan, which depends on the choice of investors.

  Investment in equipment has a different level.Joining chain take over 10000 large domestic laundry join chain net international laundry resistance, which provide a variety of different schemes of equipment for investors to choose from.The small devices only 3 to 50000;Medium-sized equipment needs 7 to 150000;Large equipment need 25 to 360000, different equipment to adapt to different investors, its benefits are also differ.
         How big is the laundry profit?Finally is the day-to-day operations of spending.This part of the spending is very low, the expenses necessary for the laundry every wash clothings in 1 to 2 yuan, but the income is up to 15 yuan of above, some valuable clothes, winter clothes, bags fee is higher, compared with the previous investment of equipment, rent and daily small expenditure, also profit is huge, and it has a large, long-term customer group.
         How big is the laundry profit?According to a survey of a small ENEJEAN international laundry chain average annual profits in 100000 yuan of above, some stores even higher, join ENEJEAN international year of the laundry into the millions is not a dream, for details, please consult our online customer service personnel.


The automatic front-rear high speed high efficiency and energy saving province province washing equipment

  This industrial washer extractor has waste soda, waste soda and steam, steam all three kinds of heating methods.
         Four kinds of heat recycling technology, the industry pioneered the lowest energy consumption. The only around the world.
         Feeding and discharge automatically closed high-speed efficient provincial workers save time washing equipment, 20 minutes to dry a load, saving steam 55-100%, save time by 50%, improve the work efficiency 2.3 times (model: 120/170/200 kilograms).
Product features:
         200 kg to feeding and discharge automatically for 20 seconds, save non-work time: reduces the labor intensity and labor strength requirements.Greatly improves the work efficiency, more greatly improves the drying quantity.
         Low unique closed, preheating, heat energy recovery, u-shaped heating air duct design (the first, the latest design, the latest technology, has to declare the patent), greatly shorten the drying time, save energy, improve working efficiency.
         Low special U hot air heating duct, 270 degrees 180 degrees than conventional linear duct for linen heating time more than 50%, the same hot air than conventional wind 180 degrees away moisture is much, shorten the drying time.Add a special extra large wind turbines, high density small aperture mesh, so there is more hot air heating the moisture on the linen.Further shorten the drying time.
Low unique special super constant temperature heater temperature consistent, up and down a lot of heater temperature is higher than the average, so into the drying chamber has high temperature, high temperature evaporation of moisture is much, shorten the drying time, improve the working efficiency.

Large special specifications plush filters, to reduce the wind resistance, which have more hot air to water heating on linen, shorten the drying time, the above four heat recycling technology (industry pioneered the minimum energy consumption) of the integrated use of 55% shorter drying time, comprehensive energy saving 55-99%.Efficiency could be increased by 2.3 times.
         Low amount of drying with feeding conveyor belt can be increased by 240% (optional).
         Computer control, accurate temperature control, special LengFeng function and protect the delicate fabrics such as silk drying at low temperature.
         Pulled low positive central clearing wool cloth with soft nap is convenient, direct cleaning, design more human.
In use waste soda do washing equipment of heating source, a 120 kg this machine for one year can save ZhengQiFei 360000 yuan (20 hours)