
Choose five points of dry cleaning equipment

Dry cleaning equipment brand so much, in the face of numerous brands, how to choose the most suitable for dry cleaning equipment?Want to choose suits own dry cleaning equipment, want to buy cheap and fine dry cleaning equipment, so, must pay attention to the following points.
One, pay attention to the material of equipment
In general, the material of dry cleaning equipment decide the quality of a device, such as dry cleaners of steel framework and determines the stability of equipment operation in choosing dry cleaning equipment, so it is important to note that the use of dry cleaning equipment panel material, and the frame structure of plate thickness.Here, the resistance to the net to tell you that oil dry cleaners adopt full suspension channel steel structure, the stability will be better, more stable in operation will not affect the overall equipment.And plank is thicker, stronger stability, choosing tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners more should pay attention to the thickness of the plate, because there is no suspension and the suspension of tetrachloroethylene dry cleaners.
Second, pay attention to the speed of the equipment and the performance of the frequency converter
Inverter better quality can greatly improve the energy-saving of dry cleaning equipment, and deoiling rate is higher, can help us save a lot of washing cost.In addition, buy equipment is to be able to greatly improve the washing efficiency, rapid speed of natural on the efficiency of washing equipment will also be higher.

Third, pay attention to the filter device
Choose dry cleaning equipment must first see XiJingDu, degree of wash clothes mainly depends on the dry cleaner's cleanliness, the washing process, good filter equipment, dry cleaner's cleanliness, the higher the natural washing effect will be better.
Fourth, pay attention to after-sales service
Even if it is a good equipment, because of its own operation failure or malfunction occurred in some outside factors, when choosing equipment, must choose good after-sales service brands, in general better after-sales service, quality guaranteed.
Fifth, pay attention to the appearance of the equipment
When a lot of investors are buying equipment, like according to the appearance of the equipment to decide, the so-called treasures outside its defeat garrulous among them, choice equipment must choose according to their performance, not according to appearance.
Determines the operation of dry cleaners dry cleaning equipment, hope the above points can help you buy the most suitable for their own dry cleaning equipment.

