
Three generations of Gas-Filled Valve

In General, the evolution of things are simple to propagation, and finally by propagation in Jane.
Has been in use since outdoor inflatable pneumatic valve flat tank and also follows this principle. After simple multiplication, finally is able to Jane? I don't know, probably also need to wait for the emergence of new ideas.
一、This first generation of gas-filled valve
1. Fill a jar of flat, basic access needs 2-3 times, sometimes even more.
2. LPG when not filling, need to tighten down, put out some gaseous LPG, freeing space for liquefied petroleum gas calve, pneumatic pressure difference of principle is actually used size bottle.
3. each tank screw down flat when liquefied gas bottles connected to a flat cans because there is no switch, residues in liquefied petroleum gas will leak in the pipes, which not only increases the insecurity, also will get smell everywhere. Liquefied petroleum gas is colorless and tasteless in it is, in order to alert the disclosure of time, immediately take measures to prevent the occurrence of accidents, the valve of gas-filled in liquefied petroleum gas which add valve, that is, extra deodorant.
二、Second generation gas-filled valve
And the first difference is that the thimble is active, plus a spring, screw on the flat interface in the thimble of tanks thimble stand up flat tank, inflatable.
1. Valve thimble bad control, soft spring fatigue occurs after multiple uses.
2. With a flat gas 2-3 was still needed.
3. The aperture there will still be a small amount of gas retention.

三、Third generation gas-filled valve
This generation of products is something that other people do, because after the 12th generation, so here as the third generation. This product has improved a lot, some retirement issues also got a very good solution. As was done by others, does not say much here, only individuals considered to be where there are shortcomings. Of course this is just your opinion, depending on you and judge for yourself.
1. The marking on the knob on the direction of twist, thimble collection, flat Tin thimbles back, stop charging. Mark off the direction of twist, ejector ejection, began to air. Here there is a marking on the habit to overcome, when our flat tank inflatable, generally think off is closed, stopped charging, on open, began to air.
2. Because the valve itself is not designed for use by the flat tank, screw the gas tank size a little bit of an interface, when Rotary started charging thimble has no intention to thimble to crush flat tank interface.
3. Because the thimble and the knob is one of, when the ejector down, in order to ensure that gas-filled valve through gaps in the thimble into the shallow tank, so not at the thimble Groove and seal, seal entirely below the knob nut installed inside the seals to seal, after long-term use, seal to leak failure caused a small amount of easily.

